
Trott_Terren004Hey! I’m Terren Trott, MD @tsquaredmd.  The idea for this site came from a year and a half long QI project that started while I was a resident.  I had been collecting airway video reviewing the video in conference for resident education.  Through much inspiration by Jacob Avila, MD @ultrasoundmd and his site, 5minsono.com, I thought I could put all this video to good use and contribute to the FOAM movement.  I am by no
means an airway expert which is why I’ve enjoyed this project so much.  Identifying difficult airways, strategies and maneuvers in video makes the next time you find yourself in a tough situation that much easier.  I hope some of the video and lessons on this site make your next difficult intubation a touch smoother.

Disclaimer:  This site has no affiliation to any hospital or university.  The information on this site is opinion and not medical advice.  If you have an airway emergency, please go to the nearest airway expert, but come back to this site afterwards.

Guests on 5minuteairway.com

Michael Elliott: 3rd year resident pursing world wide adventures.  Usually can’t be found on social media but if you’re looking for him, the beaches of Colombia are a good start.

Christopher Doty @PoppasPearls is most recently the ex-PD of University of Kentucky and SUNY Downstate prior to that.  Now continuing as a faculty developer and clinician at UK meanwhile balancing a national role with AAEM.

Rob Rogers @EM_Educator is faculty at the University of Kentucky and is the creator of Medutopia, an international, educational coop for faculty development.

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Haney Mallemat @criticalcarenow is faculty at Cooper Health in Camden, NJ.  He has trained in EM/IM and CCM, also known for nationally speaking and is a founder of the Resuscitation Leadership Academy.

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